
Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Sound and foley

We were shown different examples of the use of foley sound in films and the importance it brings into creating an audible description of the scene to the viewer.

Our main task was to create foley sound to Norman McLaren's Neighbours. We had an hour in which to practice then we had to perform.

So. We first thought outside of the box, using conventional methods in which to create realistic sounds in which to accompany the image.  We used a variety of different techniques, which included, pre recorded sounds of sites like youtube and foley sites. A mixture of audio blended together in final cut, then our live audio.
Now for the live audio we used objects such as desk chair ran quickly against the carpet in order to create the sound of the deck chairs moving against the earth in the video. Others like the plant raising out of the ground, we used a ruler rubbing against multiple CD cases to create a unusual but recognisable sound of something rising.

A wild track was created for the background audio using a combination of pre recorded sounds. E.g. birds tweeting away, wind rustling through the trees and through grass. All to give the ambient sound that the background needed.

The feed back we got from our performance was very good. Stating we had thought very clearly about the sound we had produced. All of this which had been a blend of Diegetic and Non diegetic sound to bring meaning to the visual images.

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